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Senior Citizens

Enhancing the quality of life through social connectivity and productive engagement. 

India is experiencing a significant increase in its elderly population, with a growth rate of 41% over the past decade. By the year 2050, more than 20% of India's total population will consist of elderly individuals. Furthermore, the number of individuals aged 80 years and above is expected to rise by approximately 279% between 2022 and 2050. Given these statistics, it is crucial that we prioritize the development of an ecosystem that promotes healthy and active aging and importantly, the ecosystem needs to be facilitated by our youth for its scalability and sustainability. 

At Anagram Foundation, we play a pivotal role in cultivating such an ecosystem by steadfastly prioritizing the following initiatives:

a) Social Connectivity through tailored workshops, immersive experiences, and engaging ‘Activity Circles’ etc. 

b) Consulting and volunteer roles tailored for seniors to ensure purposeful engagement and financial security. 

c) A cadre of skilled volunteers to lead personalized empowerment projects for elderly individuals.

d) Multi-functional hubs situated in diverse locations, offering reading areas, recreational amenities, hosting skill enhancement programs for seniors, and supporting the professional development of volunteers. Additionally, they engage in research within the elderly care field and organize seminars, symposiums, and other events for advocacy. The hub also fosters collaboration and networking opportunities among stakeholders involved in elderly care, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, healthcare providers, and community groups. 


Unlocking the potential of youth as powerful agents of change and progress. 

Youth in the age group of 15-29 years comprise 27.5% of the population of India. At present, about 34% of India’s Gross National Income (GNI) is contributed by the youth, aged 15-29 years. However, there exists a huge potential to increase this contribution. Our position within the community of nations relies on our capacity to foster a robust and thriving young generation, abiding by constitutional values and characterized active community engagement, and economic productivity. Also, strengthening intergenerational bonds of youth and elderly population forms the key to strong and sustainable support system for our senior citizens. Therefore, Anagram Foundation chose to work with youth towards following objectives:


a) Empowering youth as advocates for constitutional values through hands-on learning experiences in the         intergenerational programs for elderly care and other initiatives supported by Anagram Foundation.

b) Assisting young individuals in making well-informed career choices by offering comprehensive exposure to a wide array of career paths and linking them with relevant opportunities for skill enhancement.

c) Inspiring youth to explore opportunities in the Social Development sector through consistent exposure via orientation workshops, internships, volunteer roles, guest lectures, and more.

School Children

Fostering an environment conducive to the cultivation of creativity and critical thinking skills.

At Anagram Foundation, we engage with school going children in the following domains: 

a) Ensuring the careful curation of texts, appealing reading environments, and the effective, efficient, and innovative use of library resources in government-run schools to promote creativity and foster the development of critical thinking skills among students.

b) Creating custom-designed playgrounds within government-run schools to encourage the comprehensive development of students' skills and abilities.

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